Simon Strick is a scholar of American Studies and Gender Studies based in Berlin. He received his PhD from Humboldt University with a thesis on pain, sentimentalism and biopoli- tics; the book American Dolorologies was published by SUNY Press in 2014. He has held positions at Humboldt University, Paderborn University, JFK-Institute Berlin, ZfL Berlin and the University of Virginia. In 2018 he received a grant by the VW-Foundation for his research projekt Feeling (Alt)Right: Affective and Identity Politics of Online Extremism. Simon’s specializations are in Gender and Critical Race Studies, popular culture, film, and cultural analysis. He has edited a special issue of the journal Amerikastudien on the subject of American eugenics, due in March 2020. Currently, he is finishing the monograph Rechte Gefühle: Affektpolitiken der transnationalen Online-Rechten, which will be published by transcript in 2020. As a member of the network, he will investigate a project titled “Facts/Feels: The Knowing Failures of the Alt-Right.”
Together with Susann Neuenfeldt and Werner Türk, he founded the performance group PKRK, which has been active in Berlin theatres since 2009.