Deputy Coordinator of the Network

Regina Schober is Professor for American Studies at Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf. She is author of Unexpected Chords: Musicopoetic Intermediality in Amy Lowell’s Poetry and Poetics (Winter, 2011), of the (yet unpublished) manuscript Spider Web, Labyrinth, Tightrope Walk: Networks in American Literature and Culture and co-editor of The Failed Individual: Amid Exclusion, Resistance, and the Pleasure of Non-Conformity (with Katharina Motyl, 2011) as well as of Data Fiction: Naturalism, Numbers, Narrative, special issue of Studies in American Naturalism (with James Dorson, 2011) and of Laboring Bodies and the Quantified Self (with Ulfried Reichardt, forthcoming). Her research interests include transformations of subjectivity in the information age, network concepts, the quantified self, theories of reading, and discourses of failure. As a member of the project, she will conduct research on a project titled “Toxic Knowledge and the Digital Pharmakon – Narratives of Dissemination, Leaks, and Disruption in the Digital Age”