Katrin Horn is an assistant professor in American Studies at the University of Bayreuth. Her research focuses on gender studies, popular culture, literature of the long nineteenth century, and the history of knowledge. Her publications include the monograph Women, Camp, and Popular Culture – Serious Excess (Palgrave, 2017), the co-edited collection Stimme, Kultur, Identität. Vokaler Ausdruck in der populären Musik der USA, 1900-1960 (transcript, 2015), and several articles on US-American literature and popular culture. She is currently working on her second book on “The Economy and Epistemology of Gossip in 19th-and early 20th-Century US-American Literature and Culture,” for which she has received a three-year grant from the German Research Foundation. As a member of the research network, she will investigate a project titled “Companion, Gal Pal, BFF: Queerness and Celebrity Gossip’s Failed Knowledge.”