James Dorson is Assistant Professor at the John F. Kennedy Institute for North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin. His first book Counternarrative Possibilities: Virgin Land, Homeland, and Cormac McCarthy’s Westerns was published with Campus in 2016. He is the coeditor of the books Anecdotal Modernity: Making and Unmaking History (De Gruyter, forthcoming 2020), Fictions of Management: Efficiency and Control in American Literature and Culture (Winter, 2019), and two special journal issues, “Data Fiction: Naturalism, Narratives, and Numbers” (Studies in American Naturalism, 2017) and “Cormac McCarthy Between Worlds” (European Journal of American Studies, 2017). He is currently working on a book about competing forms of economic organization in American literary naturalism. As a member of the network, he will investigate a project on “The Laboring Brute in the Literary Imagination, 1850-1900.”