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International Conference “The Failure of Knowledge – Knowledges of Failure” : May 4 – 6, 2023
International conference of the DFG research network “The Failure of Knowledge – Knowledges of Failure.” Hosted by the Instit
Call for Papers, Conference “The Failure of Knowledge – Knowledges of Failure”
May 4-6, 2023, University of Mannheim Confirmed Keynote Speakers: Jack Halberstam (Columbia University), Heather Houser (Uni
Videocast with Simon Strick
In addition to essay-style posts, we’re launching another category on our blog – a videocast. In this German-language intervi
3. (Online) Workshop: June 10 & 11, 2021
Embodied Knowledges & the Failures of Neoliberal Work Culture Due to the pandemic, the network launches a third online worksh
2. (Online) Workshop: Dec. 10 &11, 2020
Queer / New Media: Rethinking Knowledge and its Failure Due to the current pandemic, the second workshop of the network will
@MaisieKnew @DieVilla4 @StrickSimon @knowledgefails Yes, we're recording it (the three speakers already have permission), and will make the Video available in our website